Thursday, March 29, 2012

One Whole Year!`

WOW!! I know I say this a lot but I have the most amazing man in this entire universe!! I love him so much, hence, the last year has completely flown by! I cannot believe we just celebrated our first anniversary... !! It has been the most amazing year of my life.
God has been so good and blessed us with so many things.
This past weekend we went to St. Augustine and had such an amazing time just being together and spent a lot of time just sitting down chatting all by ourselves! Which does not happen very often :) It was so nice! I was very sorry to see it end. We were really hoping to go to the beach but since it is spring break there were about 5 million people out there! :) I totally forgot to take pictures but Sarah is going to take some more pictures of us this weekend so I will try to post some next week!


Thursday, March 22, 2012

ALMOST THERE.......!!!!!!

Got the jitters!!! Almost 1 year, and I cant beleive it!! We're going to St. Augustine for the weekend for a second honeymoon :) I'll post some pictures later next week!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 2, 2012


We went out to the lake tonight and had a really nice picnic with Jake's sister and brother! !:) today was such a beautiful warm day and it was perfect for a picnic!!